updated on december twenty fifth two thousand twenty four
This is my “now” page.
A page inspired by Derek Sivers and his /now page.
If you have your own site, you could make a now page, too.
happy holidays
My wife, kids and I are enjoying a quiet, restful holiday season at home in Minnesota this year. Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones. Wishing you a healthy, safe, memorable, and fun 2025!!
mission accepted
After a more than 1 year break from photography assignments, my Stolen Echoes friends and I have accepted a new mission — exploring photography with intentional camera movement (ICM). The other night, my family and I went for a drive to see the holiday lights in neighborhoods nearby. I brought my camera along and captured a few interesting scenes using ICM techniques. You can see the photographs on my ICM page. I will upload new ICM photographs I make to this page as the assignment continues.
sorry, we’re closed.
Earlier this month, I worked with a lawyer to officially dissolve and terminate my photography focused single member LLC after a 5 year run. I learned a bit about business and more about myself through the LLC.
a year of photo books
I had a lot of fun making photo books via Blurb this year. I made photo books to document our family trip to Pennsylvania last December (“Christmas Memories”) and our senior spring break trip to Mexico at the end of March 2024 (“Mexico”). In 2023, I started a new tradition with my graduating students. We compiled their photo memories into a yearbook of sorts. I kept the tradition going with the Class of 2024 book I designed in June.
I also compiled two long term personal photography projects, “Home” and “Flatscapes”, into books. After a few drafts, sample copies, and rounds of revisions, I finished both books around Thanksgiving. I am now trying to decide how to share spreads from the books publicly. You can read more about “Home” and “Flatscapes” on my books page.
a chair no longer
For the last 4 years, I had the pleasure to serve as the chair of an oral health group within the largest pediatric medical association in the United States. Our group advocates for policy supporting oral health for children and promotes training of pediatricians and other health professionals about oral and dental health. As chair of this group, I led meetings, guided the group’s strategic plan, attended meetings with leaders throughout the larger association, and spoke up on behalf of children when appropriate. It was a great learning experience for me.
recently seen, heard, and read
The World Walk: 7 Years. 28,000 Miles. 6 Continents. A Grand Meditation, One Step at a Time book by Tom Turcich
Life of Riza Youtube channel
Jeffery Saddoris’ Substack, Iterations
Deep Questions with Cal Newport podcast
Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted book by Suleika Jaouad
Mac Power Users podcast
James Popsys Youtube channel
and more as I listen to many podcasts and watch a lot of Youtube photography channels